
“The way to work with resistance is by relaxing.”       Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul

What is it that you resist? We all do it. We resist all sorts of things, big and small. You know you are in the state of resistance when you can feel it in your body…tension rising…in your shoulders, neck, back, hands. You will notice it in your face…if you had a mirror…jaw and cheeks tightening, forehead scrunched, mouth set rigid. You will know resistance in your language, in the energy of your words…or in your thoughts if you are able to hold your tongue.

To be in this state of resistance is not comfortable at all…in fact it is painful. So why do we go there? We resist things, situations, and people because we are either afraid or we want to be in control. We are either worried about what might happen, what is happening, or what has happened…or we are heels dug in, it’s going to be my way and I am right….so there! It takes a lot of energy to stay in resistance. You have to stay focused. You have to repeat over and over again the story of worry or of why you are right. Maintaining  the state of resistance is also called suffering…and suffering has no merit, it has no usefulness, it has no value.

When you find resistance rising in your body, do this one simple thing…take a deep breath. And then another, and maybe even one more. Give your body a chance to relax. Drop your shoulders, wiggle your jaw, close your eyes for just a moment. In a word…relax! Then open your eyes, relax into the moment and go from there.

There is great wisdom in relaxing into the moment. It allows you to see whatever is in front of you in a new light and from a different perspective. It allows you to clear a space in your mind and heart to understand more deeply. It is the simple process by which you grow spiritually.


Peace always,



One Response

  1. Paula,
    As always, it seems, your post speaks to the exact situation I need to be aware of right now!
    Relax. Such a simple reminder, but so powerful and true. Thank you, friend.


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