Remove the Veil

“What have we to do? I can tell you that we do not have to develop our souls at all. What can develop the already perfect? We must only work to take off the veil; and when we do, the infinite Spirit within will manifest Itself in Its pristine purity, in Its natural, innate freedom.” Swami Vivekananda, from Pathways to Joy, edited by Dave DeLuca

At times we may exhaust ourself with all there is to learn about God and the obligations of having a spiritual life. How can we possibly find the time to pray, meditate, attend another class or workshop or go on a retreat? All that will just have to wait, we think. Life is just too busy.

We misunderstand spiritual work. It is never about adding to…it is about releasing, letting go and opening up to. It is about removing the veil that limits us from seeing and feeling joy, peace, comfort, possibility, beauty, enthusiasm, strength and love.

What is the veil? The veil is our own thinking. In our thinking we have come to expect exactly what we are at this moment. We experience our personal self through the veil. To lift the veil we simply must come to expect something different. It just takes a little practice.

Expect to make a positive contribution. Expect to feel good about yourself. Expect that what you do will make a difference. Expect that you will always have enough. Expect that the road ahead is full of possibilities. Expect that you will always know what to do. Expect that you will always have what you need.

Live from the energy of expecting to experience life in a forward motion. Brush aside the veil to release what you have come to expect in the past and open up to the Spirit of God in you.

Affirm…I remove the veil and I know the Truth. I am One with God.

Much love


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