Managing and eventually overcoming any difficult period, is accomplished more effectively by being sensitive to and aware of the spiritual reality of God’s Presence within oneself as the ultimate giver of peace, wisdom, love and power to manage and overcome the most difficult of times. Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Too often we are looking out into the world for the solution to our situation or circumstance. We think if we can just get through this or accomplish that then everything would be better. We think if others would act this way or believe what we believe…well, the world would be a better place…easier, happier. In the meantime, we might be anxious, frustrated, exhausted, judgmental, cynical, impatient or angry. We might feel hopeless, defeated, overwhelmed, indifferent or unloved.
I think it helps to take a wider view of life. I like to practice taking a deep breath and a small step back away from the current problem du jour. Sometimes it’s not necessarily something you might call a problem. It might be about making a difficult decision or needing to engage in an uncomfortable conversation or finding the courage to stand up for something important.
Think about what is happening in your life right now that has you twisted, off kilter, out of balance, hesitant or just feeling blue. Now take a deep breath, step back, close your eyes and let go from the world around you for just a moment. Take a few deep breaths and turn your attention to your heart. Just breathe into your heart.
Now get this…everything you need is right there inside of you. Everything you need to feel centered, peaceful, calm, alive, hopeful, strong and happy. Inside of you is every answer, every best choice and the wisdom for every right action. I believe this because I know that the Presence I call God is right there…inside of you…breathing you and sustaining you! It is the source of YOU!
Be still and know.
Much love