
I wrote this in my journal last week: You always receive the consequence of your own thinking.

When my mind carries me on the road of worry, I receive the consequence of that. I feel stressed, uncomfortable and anxious. That’s where worry leads.

When my mind carries me on the road of having to be in control and getting my way, I receive the consequence of that. I often feel tense, judgmental and angry.

When my mind carries me on the road of having to defend my position, I receive the consequence of that. I often feel indignant, righteous and frustrated.

Right? But the thing is, I also experience the consequence of these roads. My mind carrying me within, I feel peace. My mind keeping me in curiosity, I feel balanced and grounded. My mind focused on what is possible, I feel freedom. My mind in awe, I feel joy.

So, this is just a reminder. Check in with yourself. Turns out, not all roads lead to the same place.

Much love

One Response

  1. Absolutely love this. The older I get, the more I realize that the roads I chose were MY choice. The consequences of that is on me. a better understanding of that choice leads me to peaceful acceptance.


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