Sensing and Allowing

We took our cat, Mae, to the emergency vet hospital on Sunday night. She was passing blood through her bladder. It was alarming to both of us. Her behavior before that was a little off. We thought maybe she was stressed from us being away the week before. But after seeing the blood, another thought came to my mind. I wonder if it’s cancer?

Her brother Buddha died from cancer in 2020. It was a quick connection in my mind. Would this be the last time we held Mae?

While they were caring for her at the vet hospital, we sat quietly waiting for the bloodwork and exam to be completed and the news to be shared. Breathing in and out. Staying hopeful but definitely concerned. In short order, we were called to an exam room where we met with the doctor. She told us that Mae had a urinary tract infection and we would receive medication for her treatment. She would be much better in 24-48 hours. The relief was palpable.

We returned to the waiting area. We were different people than the two who walked back to that exam room. An older woman with her dog had been sitting there before and was still there when we returned. She noticed the difference. She said something like…”I didn’t want to say anything earlier. You looked very concerned.”

I thought…how sweet. To have observed and allowed us to be without interrupting. And then to notice and say something when the coast was clear.

If only we could more often be so aware of others and allow them the space to be where they are. No fixing, no lifting the mood, no distracting from the moment. Just sensing and allowing them to be.

Bravo to the woman in the waiting room at the vet hospital on Sunday night with her little dog that could not stop scratching. I hope you are peaceful and at ease.


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