One. If you have been reading my blog for even a short time, you would not be surprised to hear me say that what you do and say and think matters. How you bring yourself to life matters…it influences your experience and the world around you. You have the ability to vibrate at a love level and you have the ability to vibrate at a fear level…and anywhere in between.
Two. Our world is much smaller than it used to be. Not physically of course, but in the way we are connected to what is happening, how we can travel, technology, information and communication. We are aware of so much more. We live in a world community.
Three. There are many people in the world who are suffering. It might be you, your best friend or your neighbor. Groups of people in many different places are suffering. People who want to be heard, people who are hungry, abused, mentally ill, mistreated, unjustly convicted, in fear for their lives. People who are treated like something we throw in the trash, forgotten. There are people who are persecuted and those who persecute. All of them, suffering. Where there is suffering, there is fear.
Four. Taking care of each other is our highest calling. No excuses, no borders, no exceptions. When someone close to us is in need, we are there. When there is tragedy, we respond. It is the simplest, most clear direction from Jesus…love one another. There is no long list of exceptions to this teaching based on who you like, where you live, who you love, what religion you practice, who you agree with or how much money you have. It applies to everyone.
Five. None of this is complicated or hard to understand. Is it?
Six. So, who are you in all of this? How do you show up? Do you stand up, do you speak out, do you act, do you choose love? Do you vote, do you speak for those who are silenced? Do you participate in the world community in which you live?
Seven. If world problems were easy to solve with money, power, greed and fear they would have been solved by now. There is plenty of this to go around. We will make a dent in suffering when we refuse to silence love and when we are brave enough to show up and say: Enough! Not on my watch!
Always love