Hearing and watching the rain this morning made me feel grateful. Water falling from the sky nourishing the earth, and me comfortable and dry as if witnessing a miracle. I breathed easy and sat for a while.
After the rain, out the door for a walk…noticing the many colors of green, the newly planted azaleas seemed happy for their long drink, yellow and purple wildflowers dotting the ditch bank. Then another miracle. The magnolia trees are filled with blossoms…have you noticed? The sweet citrus smell brings an immediate smile to my face. I reach up to pull the partially open blossom closer to my nose, rainwater pouring from the cup, the sweet smell heavenly. The petals some kind of special silky white, the stamen pink tipped and delicate.
I think of snapping off this blossom to put in a bowl of water at the house so I can continue my experience. Then I decide, better to leave it and carry the miracle with me instead. Now back home, I can almost smell her beauty. Grateful for simple miracles and slowing down enough to notice them.

Breathing in and breathing out,
5 Responses
Dear Paula, I agree! I have a magnolia tree behind my house. The scent is HEAVENLY!
Miss you,
Paula, What a beautiful post! I too have been enjoying the rain and many shades of green in my
yard. My beloved heroine, Minnie Evans, said green was God’s theme color and that there are
600 shades of green. And she knew….. Love you, Beautiful Paula!
Beautiful!! Thanks, Paula!
Likewise I sat this week and marveled at a heron on the water’s edge who had mastered the art of Stillness at first it was difficult wondering how a lower-level animal had no issue with something I struggle to achieve. He or she sat for so long I almost got jealous. Then I thought if not instinct maybe call it divine inspiration. Cliff
Beautifully written!! Thanks, Paula!