Slow and Steady

How much push is the right amount of push? I mean, when is it best to ‘keep on keeping on’ and when is it best to take it slow? Have you ever thought about it? Not wait for something to happen that forces one or the other…but to decide, in a measured sort of way.

I think many times we get caught up in the whirlwind of life. We let it take us because it seems easier, or at least less of a bother. Most of the whirlwind is about pushing forward or through or around. Maybe we’re afraid to slow it down. If we do, we might never find the energy to get on a roll again. Or we’ll come face-to-face with our own self…and that might be even more scary! Or we simply have convinced ourselves we are WAY too busy.

At the other end of the spectrum is the complete standstill. Maybe we’ve taken ourselves out of the flow for a while. Is life really racing by? Am I really making NO progress?

I think ‘take it slow’ is an option, maybe even the perfect ticket. Just ‘take it slow’ and see what happens. The world will not fall apart if you gear down for a stretch. Nor will it eat you up if you put it into first or second gear.

There is a reason slow and steady wins the race, as so simply told by Aesop in the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. And by winning I don’t mean crossing the finish line. I mean being alive and well…ready to race another day!

Much love always

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