Softness and Breath

Maybe today is the day to just take a break. A day to set aside all the doing and growing and being this or that and just sit a while. Put away your phone, stop reading the news, shut down your computer. Here is a simple meditation for you.

Let your body relax, let your face soften. Watch your breath in and breath out. Close your eyes. Let your mind travel to wherever it will without judgment. Feel what you’re feeling. Sad, exhausted, content, frustrated, happy, grateful, worried, uncertain, restless, lonely.  If you notice your body stiffen or your face tighten…bring yourself back into softness.  Relax your shoulders, soften your face and follow your breath. Don’t try to change the feeling, simply soften into it…soften your face and your body into your feeling…and watch your breath in and out. As your mind wanders, just check in with yourself by returning to the breath. Notice the softness and notice the breath. Feel what you feel and notice the body and the breath.

Maybe today is the day to take a break. A day to set aside all the doing and growing and being this or that and just sit a while. Maybe with a cup of tea, a view of the birds, a warm blanket, quiet…softness and breath. Today is the day. Please enjoy.

Much love

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