Something Greater

Sometimes I need a reminder. The ‘sometimes’ are when things don’t seem to be going so well…when everything was lined up just about perfectly and then…flub, crash or screech to a halt. In these ‘sometimes’ I forget what life is all about. It’s not about – things will always go my way, everyone will agree with me if they just listen to my logic, and everything I desire, with my whole heart, I will accomplish.

In my forgetfulness I’ve come to believe this: there is a Greater Power at work in the universe that is infinitely more wise than I. This Power is known by many names…it is the same Power, the same energy…the very breath that breathes every living thing. When I surrender to it, I remember there is a gift in every failure, in every dark night, in every struggle. I remember that life is precious…every single moment of it. I remember to poke my head above the weeds and take a look around…at the big picture. I remember that it doesn’t matter what others think or say. I remember because I know I’m really not in charge…God is.

I read this story (by Michael Warren, CNN) about Cory Booker. It doesn’t matter if you agree with his politics or if he is your candidate of choice. Listen to what he has come to know.

“Life gives you these incredible gifts at times disguised as failures or setbacks or knockdowns, these humbling moments that ultimately end up being turning points for you to greater opportunity beyond that which you imagined. This gift that football gave me was just preparing me to face the darkness, to face the doubters, to face the naysayers, to face the critics, and to realize that in life you can’t let what’s outside of you ever chart your course. I just have this extraordinary faith that this is all as it should be.”

Something greater.
Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Booker.
All is well.

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