Spiritual Soul Center: The Wisdom Among Us

Introducing the Spiritual Soul Center…a new spiritual community with a home base in Wilmington, NC. To participate in this community is to be dedicated to inspired spiritual living through personal growth and service to others. Our intention is to think and act consciously from a foundation of love, compassion and respect for all. At our core, we believe in the inherent divine nature and unique expression of God in ourselves and in every living being. We trust that we make a positive difference by offering the gift that we are to the world.

My dream is that we create a movement, grounded in love and kindness that transforms our individual life, our community and the world. Follow us on Facebook at Spiritual Soul Center and Instagram at spiritualsoulcenter. Our website is under construction and will be live mid-August.

I am excited to announce our first Message and Meditation Series called The Wisdom Among Us.

Often we look to ancient mystics, gurus, holy ones and sacred texts for guidance and inspiration. But sometimes we miss the wisdom that vibrates right here in our contemporary culture…in people just like you and me. We look past the wisdom that is all around us to everything that is wrong, sad, hard and unfair about life. We look to what is not done, what is missing and what we don’t have and we totally miss the greatness of Life Itself right here, right now.

During this five week series, we will celebrate amazing wisdom in the stories of people like you and me…and we will ground that wisdom into our own minds and hearts through meditation.

Welcome to the Spiritual Soul Center!!!
Grow, Serve, Transform

Much love to you all

Series Details:
When: Sunday, July 23, 2017 through Sunday, August 20, 2017
Time: 5:00 pm
Where: Unitarian Universalist Congregation (our temporary space)   Directions
Parking: At the rear of the building or at Roland Grise Middle School across Lake Avenue
Dress: Casual

LiveStream on Facebook at Spiritual Soul Center
Instagram: spiritualsoulcenter
Website currently under construction. spiritualsoulcenter.org

5 Responses

  1. Yes! So happy Spiritual Soul Center is launched. Blessings, blessings, blessings.

  2. So glad that you are starting this. Wish I lived closer. How do I connect to a live stream on Facebook? Is it self evident from the Spiritual Soul Center site?

  3. Yeah! We couldn’t make it Sunday but will keep in mind. Wonderful. Is there a facebook page? I want share with my friends.

    1. Hey Amber
      Yes check out our Facebook page at Spiritual Soul Center. This week we are meeting at Halyburton Park on Sunday at 5pm for a Walking Meditation. Hope to see you soon!

  4. So glad to know you are doing your own thing. i’ll be out of town for the next couple weeks then I’ll track you down. I subscribed so i’ll look for your activities on line.Blessings and Successful Intentions.


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