Still Learning

Many times I have used this to explain the way we show up in the world: We either come from fear or from love. Then, in an almost insignificant moment that became a huge ‘AHA’ for me, I questioned the truth of this statement. Here is what happened.

I was gathered with my Soul Center tribe on our Mid-Week Connection Zoom call. We were taking about love…how love is all there is. How love is the one power in the universe…that’s it, nothing else. No competition from any other power. And Maggie, my dear friend, fellow seeker and ponder-er of life says this – If love is all there is, why is it we say we either come from fear or from love? Seems like we could only come from love.

Well, mind blown for me. I was struck by this simplicity and depth. Maybe it seems obvious to you, but to me it is still a big deal. We do not come from fear. Ever. We are always coming from Love because Love is what we are, the One Source of All-That-Is. So, what happens when we feel fearful? When we act in any way that looks like less than Love?

Fear is a construct in the human mind. It’s not a real thing. We can feel fear. We can feel afraid and anxious and exhausted and depressed. But we can only BE love. That is the only real thing…LOVE.

A Course in Miracles says – Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

Herein lies the understanding of our true nature and the true nature of God. Love is all there is.

Still pondering, still learning.
Calm mind, grateful heart, joyful soul.

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