
You cannot know a person’s story by just looking at them. You have no idea, based on looks, what another has endured or what they are experiencing at this moment in their life.

Even when you think you know, because you had a similar experience or because they told you part of the story, you just don’t know. You have no idea what it was like. You have no idea because you did not live life in their skin.

Everyone has a story and you have no idea of the breadth and depth of it. Billions of people with billions of stories. People close to you and people all over the world. The only story you really know is your own.

So, why even bring this up? Because I think we need more empathy in the world. I think we need to treat each other with more kindness. And I think if we just admit that we have no idea what it’s like to live another person’s life, well then, we might just find more tenderness in our own self. We might be less arrogant and more humble. We might be less judgmental, more curious and kind.

Because we just don’t know.

With great humility,

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