To struggle is to be human. To be aware of the struggle is to be conscious. To know that the struggle is temporary is to acknowledge grace. To be in the struggle without judgment is to know our Oneness. To struggle no more is to surrender to God…and allow a greater power to heal and soothe and lift.
I have been in all of these places, stuck in some and fleetingly present in others, over and over again in my life. I feel grateful to have some understanding of each of them. Even this tiny bit of understanding is my chance to be hopeful. And hope is essential in this crazy world! I’ve written about hope before and here it is again on my mind. It’s such a powerful thing. It seems to rise out of nothingness…but that’s really not true.
Hope rises out of the intangible, for sure…but not nothingness. There may be no obvious reason to hope…but there is great power in hope. That power has a source. What is it for you?

May your struggle be lifted by the source of hope in you.
With great hope and much love