One day this week, as I got up out of bed, I thought…what if this day was the last I would have on earth? It was not a morbid or depressing thought. It was one of those fleeting, pass through the mind, thoughts. It was there and then it was gone…except it wasn’t gone at all. For the entire morning that thought hung in the back of my mind. It influenced the awareness I brought to each small task, each step, my words and my attitude. As the morning drew to a close, finally, the thought did fade until it no longer influenced my day.
What to make of it? It reminded me of a chapter in a book by Robert Brumet called Living Originally, Ten Spiritual Practices to Transform Your Life. The chapter is called Death as My Advisor. In it he recalls an experimental project he and thirty friends undertook. They set their hypothetical ‘death-day’ at one year from their first meeting date. Then they met monthly to discuss topics like…what do I fear about death…who will I miss…what is important to finish…what legacy do I want to leave? Here is what he found.
“I found myself living each day at a profound depth and with a new sense of gratitude. I became crystal clear on my priorities and values. I took nothing for granted; I left nothing unfinished. I sifted through every facet of my life, embracing it and releasing it all.”
Wishing you life, sweet life right in this moment.
Much love always
One Response
Paula. What a great way to bring us back to the importance of living in the moment. Being present and aware is a difficult task for me when numbing myself lately has been in TV shows and food. I keep thinking that this is only temporary and soon my life will be more balanced and full – having a relationship with someone, not working so much and having more time for health and exercise. Believing that soon I can have time for me. What if “soon” doesn’t exist. What if the time is today and tomorrow or next week or next year is not in the cards. “food for thought”. 🤔