Sweet, Sweet Life

“The angel of death can teach us to live every day as if it is the last day of our life, as if there may be no tomorrow. We can begin each day by saying: “I am awake, I see the sun. I am going to give my gratitude to the sun and to everything and everyone, because I am still alive. One more day to be myself.” don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

Is this the way you started your day…grateful for being alive? Maybe not. Maybe you looked out into the world and saw problems and obstacles. Maybe you are holding a grudge or having a fight with someone close to you. Maybe things just aren’t going your way.

So what! Are you willing to let this precious time you have to spend here on the earth be filled with anything other than gratefulness and love? Is anything that is happening really worth fighting against?

I was with a dear friend back in 2005 as she was experiencing her life transition out of her body…she was dying of cancer. She was the sweetest lady and she had a great sense of humor. She planned her funeral…the music and the readings. She instructed her husband that he should find the best woman to spend the rest of his life with…and sooner than later…she did not want him to be alone. She stayed at home as long as she was able and then, with ease and grace, knew it was time to move to the Hospice Life Care Center. She had absolutely no fear. She loved life and lived it fully. She was kind and compassionate, generous and thoughtful. All of her life she practiced living gently and peacefully….and now as she was approaching death she was standing on the foundation that she had built. One that included the gratitude for every day…to be more of herself.

We don’t need to fear death. We can let it be our greatest teacher….one that teaches us to practice loving-kindness and compassion. We can let it teach us to have the courage to live fully and to love deeply. We can let this angel propel us to our highest and best…to be completely open and unafraid to live the life of our dreams.

Tim McGraw sings a great wisdom…”Someday I hope you have the chance to live like you were dyin’.” Will you take the chance now?

Peace always



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