I love it when I experience synchronicity. It happens when life experiences line up in a way that seem uncanny. Like, I had nothing to do with it and still it happened. There was no planning or preparation or coordination to make it happen. It just happened. And I was awake enough to notice.
It happened on Sunday at Soul Center. Megan shared a story and this nugget of wisdom: We don’t change, we become. We become what we are here to be. Our whole life is about becoming…not changing. Blew my mind. Because I knew that part of my message had to do with exactly this. My message was about mistakes, and how we can use them to answer the question…what will I become? I had already written that exact thing…what will I become…on a post it note I used during my presentation. Uncanny.

Another synchronicity. Tim Koehler (one half of the duo Soul-R Fusion, our guest musicians on Sunday) shared this with me. When he heard me say I didn’t have the word yet for my white stone, he immediately thought of the word light. Like, maybe that was my word. And what song did we listen to during meditation? I Am Light, by India Arie. What was the lyric I jotted down from their first song? “Every time we question, we get a little closer to the light.”
I don’t need any more evidence that there is an unseen energy, a life force, a creative power that lives me and you and literally the entire universe. Call it God or Divine or Truth or Love. I am humbled by it and ever grateful for it.