
Have you ever noticed how many systems there are? I mean as a human species we seem to have systems for everything. (yes, this is the kind of thing I think about) Systems: created structures that we all, to one extent or another, agree upon and participate in. Sometimes without even thinking about it.

We have banking systems, court systems, justice systems, computer systems, healthcare systems, mental health systems, government systems, investment systems, probate systems and insurance systems.

We have elaborate systems of laws that cover taxes, crime, business, voting, employment and death, at the state and federal levels.

We have mechanical and electrical systems that keep us warm or cool, run our vehicles, power elevators, light up the night and send satellites into outer space.

And we have systems that are activated for particular purposes…like war and at the same time relief aid. These are the systems that just rattled out of my head in a few minutes.

But what about the really important stuff? Like systems for understanding, healing, harmony and balance? Maybe I’m talking about spiritual systems. Maybe a love system. Could we really create that? I think so. I think a love system is a simple system…powered by one thing…kindness. That’s it.

I think this system could change the entire world. Big time. Are you in?

Much love always

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