Take Care of Each Other

Why are we here? Have you ever wondered? Well, this is exactly the kind of thing I think about. I don’t really expect an answer or an explanation. But by opening my mind and heart and gently easing into curiosity I do expect to receive flashes or glimpses of what-it’s-all-about, every so often. And it does happen.

Somewhere along the way I came across this quote. I don’t know who wrote it. I might have seen it on social media somewhere. To the author, I sincerely apologize for not acknowledging your wisdom. Here it is.

“We are not here to build empires we are here to take care of each other. Remember where you are in the universe. A dot on a planet in a solar system in a universe. And you think what is important? Your opinion? Your passion? Your possessions? Your rights? What about your responsibility as a soul? As God on earth? This little sliver of something that could be a big something. If you got your heart around it!”

I want to stand up and shout…Yea, what about your responsibility as a soul? What about my responsibility as a soul? As a soul! We are here to take care of each other. That, I imagine, is what souls do. We walk together. We care for each other. And we see the reflection of our own self in every other living being. That’s what-it’s-all-about.

Of course it could be all about the hokey pokey. I think it’s the same thing no matter.

Much love always

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