The Container

I’m feeling frustrated this morning. I’m not getting my way. I’m feeling like what I say doesn’t matter. So I am mad and grumpy. I don’t feel kind or compassionate.

How sad is that?! It reminded me of what I heard from former Senator Alan Simpson during his speech at the funeral of his friend, President George H. W. Bush. He said “Hate corrodes the container it’s carried in”. I think it is a great quote, filled with wisdom and truth. I wrote it down so I would remember it. I knew I wanted to write about it.

Yes, hate corrodes the container….it corrodes the heart and mind. It makes them hard and brittle…unable to feel compassion, to experience joy or to act with kindness. But other things corrode the container, too. Mad and grumpy corrode the container. Needing to have it your way corrodes the container. Anger, judgment, resentment, blame…they all corrode the container. They all harden the heart and mind.

We don’t have to walk around with a rusted container. The good news is that love, acceptance and forgiveness can heal that same container. They are the balm that brings the heart and mind back to joy.

Time to give it a try.
Always love.

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