The Deep End

Have you noticed how easily you are swayed? Have you noticed how one comment or one event can cause you to go off the deep end? Going off the deep end is being totally out of control. There is no solid ground. So why do we let ourselves go there? Why do we get so bound up in emotion about a single comment or event?

Here’s what I think. We don’t step back to see the bigger picture. We are laser focused on just one thing and we can’t see anything else. We have blinders on. Everything that happens isn’t always the worst it’s ever been, the most embarrassing ever, something we’ll never recover from. We may not like it and we may work to make a change…but we don’t have to go off the deep end. We can stand on solid ground. It is from solid ground that we will do our best work and feel like our best self.

We have the best chance to stay away from the deep end by maintaining a spiritual perspective. We don’t have to ‘grind and gnash’ our teeth. The more effort we put into understanding how life works in a spiritual sense the more grounded we can be, no matter which way the wind is blowing.

Living with a spiritual perspective invites a deep breath and pause into many moments of your day. It invites genuine curiosity and possibility thinking. It invites a belief in something greater and beyond what you know. It invites action in alignment with your purpose…the unique and essential reason you are alive at this moment in time.

Stay away from the deep end. Take a cleansing breath. Feel the breeze on your face and your feet on the ground. Ask yourself: What is mine to do…how do I want to be…right here, right now?

Much love.

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