How we treat each other matters! I am not talking about them and they, I am talking about you and me. We each have an amazing capacity to influence the world…the world immediately around us and also in the bigger sense as in worldwide. People notice how we act and what we say. They notice our sincerity or our sarcasm. They can feel our warm heart or our resistance.
During this election season how did you treat those who think and act differently than you? Pause a moment to evaluate your own thoughts, words and actions with regard to the ‘other’… the other is the one who disagrees with you about politics. You might notice a lot of judgment and resistance in yourself about the ‘other’. Maybe you gave yourself a ‘high five’ because you didn’t sink to their level…but still the judgment simmers in you.
There are so many things more important that politics. You know this…but have you been acting as if you know? Friendship is one of them. Check out these friends, how they treat each other and what you might learn from their example.
We always have a choice about how we treat each other. We can choose respect, we can listen without becoming angry and judgmental, we can decide, no matter what others are doing or saying, to travel the high road.
The high road is the place in mind and heart that knows it matters how we treat each other…every day. The high road is the place where we have a broader view of life…where we can see the impact of our actions and words beyond the emotion of the moment. The high road is where we are our best…where we dig deep within our self and refuse to be, do, or say anything less than kind, considerate, encouraging and yes, loving.
Dr. Phil says “Take the high road, there’s a lot less traffic up there.” Let’s make it a traffic jam!
Much love,