“If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.” Isaac Bashevis Singer
I wonder how many of us have attained this prophet status? Maybe we have even bragged about it. “See I told you it wouldn’t work out. And I was right!” How proud we can be of being right even when the outcome is not at all what we want it to be.
What if we switched this up a bit…if you keep on saying things are going to be good, you have a good chance of being a prophet. What’s the difference?
A few thoughts.
Let’s check our language and become aware of what we say and how we say it. You might notice that the words we use carry the energy and emotion we assign to them. Energy and emotion are what empower words.
Energy and emotion are borne out of belief. We have each built our belief system during our lifetime. What do you believe? Do you believe things are going to be good or things are going to be bad? What is your outlook on life? Do you believe in the goodness of people or do you believe that everyone will try to take advantage of you?
Are your words filled with hesitation because you believe what you say is not important? What if you believed what you have to say is important?
Are you prone to irrational emotion because your way is the right way? What if you believed there was another way?
You built this belief system and you can decide to rebuild or change it. You have a good chance of being a prophet either way.
Much love