The Real Treasure

Why isn’t it good enough to do good for the sake of doing good? Why the need for accolades and credit, awards and honors? I think it’s because we don’t feel good enough about our own self. We don’t accept that we matter. We need someone to tell us…sometimes over and over. We don’t think we make a difference unless we hear it from others. How crazy is that?

We give away our power and our joy when we wait. We hold anxiety…waiting and waiting to be recognized…by somebody…please!!!!

Listen, here’s the solution: simply do good to feel good. That’s it. Do your best to feel your best. If someone notices…well, fine. If no one notices, it doesn’t really matter. Sure it feels good to know we’ve made a difference, to get confirmation, to be recognized. But all of that is just a bonus. The real treasure is the feeling we have inside when we do good. That is so enough.

If you are feeling isolated and alone this holiday week…just do something good. Do it for someone else or do it for yourself. And then feel good. Right then. Gratitude will pour into your heart and no matter how different this holiday season looks, you my friend, can feel good.

Happy, happy day!
Much love

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