The Spiritual Side

Each worldly experience in this lifetime must be understood to have a spiritual side or counterpart that will go on beyond this one life to eternally serve the soul. The spiritual side of all your experiences in this lifetime is what is ultimately important and significant, as all else passes with the dusts of time. Dr. Paul Leon Masters

Just think about this for a minute. What if you believed that every life experience existed in order to serve your evolution as a spiritual being? Make that shift now for whatever is happening in your life and ask the question…how could I consciously use this to come into a greater awareness of the spiritual side of life and my own growth?

This is not usually the first thought we have, especially during difficult times, when we are experiencing change, when someone is judgmental towards us, or we feel left out. When life seems tough we want to either cry out or retreat. Sometime we choose anger, sometimes we feel depressed or maybe we just let it all simmer inside.

Another choice is to engage consciously.

Engaging consciously in life means to be in it feet first. It means going all in. It means having the attitude: This is what I’ve got. Let me see what I can do with it. Let me understand what this is calling me to be or do. Engaging in life means being awake and open to possibilities beyond what we can currently see.

If we are willing to engage consciously in life…regardless of what is before us…we give ourselves the opportunity to grow. If we engage from the understanding that all life experiences are available for our own spiritual evolution, we live wide awake and we develop a wider perspective of life. And if we practice engaging consciously, we will become more peaceful, centered and joyful.

This is how I know…all is well.
Much love

One Response

  1. What a wonderful expression of the philosophy to live in the moment, be aware of the present, reflect in meditation and know that all is well.
    Thank you Paula for sharing more spiritual wisdom to apply in our everyday lives.


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