My friend Jim sent me an email on Wednesday evening this week…the day of the Powerball drawing for over $1 billion. He was reading a Unity publication called The Daily Word. He said: “today’s word is prosperity. Even if I don’t win the ‘lottery’ tonight, I feel like I’ve won!!”
I smiled when I read it. What a great way to be in life, feeling like you’ve won regardless of what is happening in the world. How we bring ourselves to life everyday determines our experience…not the other way around. The reactions we have to whatever is happening is based on our state of mind.
It’s a good practice to keep a check on your state of mind…in other words to be aware of what you are thinking AND how you are feeling. If you are feeling and thinking hopeful, excited, peaceful, grateful…you will experience life through these lenses. If you are feeling and thinking not enough, resentful, tired, judgmental…you will experience life through these lenses.
It is possible to shift out of the patterns of thinking and feeling that result in life experiences we would rather not have. It does take conscious effort. For instance, Jim used a daily inspirational reading to remind himself of what prosperity really means. If we are mired in negative thinking and feeling, we might shift by using this kind of tool.
Affirmations are another tool. If you come up against an obstacle, what if your thought is…there is a way. If you are confused about a direction or decision in life, what if you repeat to yourself…I know what to do. If you are questioning your ability to make a difference, what if you affirm…I am enough right now.
Today let’s use the wisdom of Jim…affirm for yourself…I’ve already won!!!
Won what? You decide.
Much love