There Are No Words

There are no words to describe the sorrow, pain and extreme anguish we experience on a day when the lives of twenty-seven human beings are extinguished as they were in Connecticut yesterday. There are no words that can comfort those who are grieving at the loss of their children and loved ones. There are no words that will ever adequately explain the why. There just are no words.

This horrific event can be the call to those of us who are watching from afar…who have no immediate family connection to those experiencing this pain and anguish… to examine our lives and our contribution to violence in this world. We can no longer safely blame someone else…we need to take a long, hard look at our own selves and make a change. You see, we will never make any sense out of this tragedy…but we can make a decision. We can decide to eliminate any form of violence from our lives.

You may not accept that violence is a part of your life. I ask you to examine the words you use to talk about someone you don’t like, don’t agree with or who has hurt you in some way. Are your words loving? Are your thoughts loving? If not, I say you are perpetuating violence in the world.

What stories catch your attention in the news, day after day? Do you soak in details about violence, war and hate…do you let these details become a part of your precious consciousness? Do you let these details incite hate inside yourself? If so, does this help you to be more loving in the world or does this small act help violence to survive?

Do you stand up or speak out for those who have no voice…when you see another being berated or abused, homeless and hungry, fearful and in need? If not, you are allowing violence to flourish right before your eyes.

What TV shows, videos, movies and games do you look at? Your money supports violence when you choose to view violence for the sake of watching it unfold…or for watching someone win at the expense of another.

Is it okay to judge others when they do something really awful? Or do these thoughts promote violence?

How much time do you spend in prayer and meditation…of actively promoting peace in the world? What opportunities do you pass up every day…the opportunities to be loving, to share yourself, to smile, to care, to really look for ways to spread peace?

We will never make sense of this tragedy…and there will be another until enough of us decide to make the shift in our own lives…the shift to allowing only thoughts, words and actions that spring from the love in us.

Today I hope you join me in this decision…and today let’s know for those in Connecticut what they cannot know for themselves on this day filled with sorrow and grief…that the immense and unlimited love that is God is right there with them. Let’s vision that love surrounding and supporting them. Let’s decide to turn the news OFF…and send them thoughts of love, courage and strength. In this way we promote peace in the world.

Much, much love



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