This is Your Wake Up Call

“Are you God?” they asked the Buddha. “No,” he replied.

“Are you an angel then?”  “No.”

“A saint?” “No.”

“Then what are you?”

Replied the Buddha, “I am awake.”

Huston Smith, The World’s Religions

There is a lot of talk about the importance of being in the present…or the idea that we should practice the presence…and the power of now. Many of us ‘get it’ that this moment is the only one we have. The past is a memory and the future is yet to be…but right here, right now is what life is about. It is filled with possibility and potential, if only we can bring ourselves to it!

This is a life work, really…to engage in the present moment. To engage is to become involved in, interested in and absorbed in. It is living on purpose and carefree at the same time. It means living with awareness of what is and at the same time being open to greater possibilities. It is about living fully without fear, anxiety, doubt or judgment. These reside in the imagination. They are associated with the past or the future. They hold no grip on the present…unless you allow it.

We can practice engaging the present moment in small ways. Say I love you, go for an ice cream cone with your kids, buy a bouquet of flowers, call a friend just to say hi, give time to yourself to read a book, take a nap, watch the sun set, hold the door open, smile at the bank teller, go for a walk, take some deep breaths, swim in the ocean, laugh. Realize and acknowledge that you are being present.

When you are here, in the present, notice what it has to offer…at this very minute. Pretty soon you will see possibilities and you will feel grateful. You can carry this practice into all areas of your life…even into the most challenging moments. What does the present have to offer?

Wake up!

Peace always


2 Responses

  1. Thank you, Paula, as always, for your wise and inspiring words. Always what I need when I need it!
    I hope you are well. Would love to see you sometime when you are in town.
    Love, Debby


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