
We lament…time moves so fast! Where has it gone? Another year over, another month ending, the day is gone before you know it. Another birthday, a new decade, a number we can’t even fathom. Time moves so fast.

Well, not really. Time moves at the same pace it has always moved. In seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Over time, there is no change in how time moves. So, why do we sometimes feel we are caught in a whirlwind?

It’s easy to blame time. But really, we’re dissatisfied with our own self. We haven’t met our own expectation. We may have squandered an opportunity or become lazy about engaging in life to our full potential. We may have allowed our busyness to take priority over happiness. Maybe we got stuck in a rut, refused to let go of a resentment or have been stewing in regret.

We blame time because it’s easy. It’s harder to acknowledge our part. I mean it’s hard to accept that we don’t make conscious choices about our daily living. We know inherently that life is short.  Yet we spend our days unfocused or unaware. It feels like time is stealing our life away…moment by moment. It’s just not true.

The good news is we can get out of the whirlwind by making a choice to live fully present in each moment. By making every day count…how we want to feel, how we want to be and what we want to do. I believe there is great joy and satisfaction in a considered life. We just have to make it a practice to pause and consider. Time will do its thing. And I can do mine.

Much love always

One thought on “Time

  1. Beverly

    Thank t you for your his message. It has my name on it, what a blessing. It all makes perfect sense to me.
    ☮️❤️🥰 Beverly


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