To Be Wise and Brave

“It’s impossible not to have an opinion, you’re going to have an opinion about things, but just take it as an opinion. Don’t take it as, you know, this is the shit, this is what’s true. We don’t know what’s right and wrong, you know, completely, it’s our opinion. And then bear witness. Just be with these people who feel opposite than you, and just kind of be with this uncomfortable feeling, like, what are we going to do? If you spend enough time in that situation, not knowing yourself, not having such a strong opinion that you can’t hear anybody else, some kind of loving action will come out of that.”
Actor Jeff Bridges in an interview with Dylan Byers, CNN Money, January 26, 2017

What would it take for you to admit that you didn’t know for sure? I mean that you really didn’t know anything for sure…that whatever you are thinking or feeling is simply ‘what I know and feel now’ without any emotion or righteousness or attachment of any kind. It is simply one thinking and feeling possibility in the infinite sea of possibilities that we call Life.

What if you were wise enough to take a deep breath and say to yourself…well, that’s an interesting way of thinking. What could that mean for me? You see, I think we would all benefit from greater self awareness and the willingness to admit that our opinions are simply one way of seeing the world. Not THE way…but ONE way.

If you are brave enough to admit this to yourself, you might find it possible to be with those who disagree with you…and at the same time be open enough to hear what they have to say, to feel their discontent, to understand their need and to realize that there is a way together.

Regardless of what is happening around you, you have the choice…you can choose resistance and judgment or you can choose possibility and love. What you choose makes a difference. Choose wisely.

Much love


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