“…a belief only exists for as long as you believe in it.” don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., from The Five Levels of Attachment
Think about that for a moment. Anything and everything that you believe in can in an instant be eliminated from your mind if you choose to not believe in it. This is powerful stuff! Do you believe it?
Seriously…this idea, when put into action by you, for you, can free you from every obstacle and all your fears. You have the power, by your thinking, to change your mind about anything. You simply choose a different belief. It sounds too simple but it is the truth.
All change begins from the inside…in our thinking. Sometimes we wait and wait and expect the world to line up a certain way before we are willing to feel okay or to take a chance or to make a commitment. We can find enough reasons to stay immobilized by fear, doubt and not good enough. We have a whole story about it…our beliefs. We keep the story alive and we live in the consequences. But those stories we have made up about being unworthy or undeserving are just that..stories. The story is our belief about ourself and our life.
How powerful is it to realize that if we stop believing in any story of less than or not good enough or not deserving enough…the story is gone? It loses all of its power to influence our life because we choose not to believe it. We can replace the old, worn out stories with new and powerful stories that begin like this: I can, it is possible, I am important, I matter, I choose peace, love is available to me, all is well, life is full of possibilities.
How will you start the next chapter in the story of your life? What is it that you believe in?
Much love always…stay safe and warm!
p.s. don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. will be speaking at Unity of Wilmington on Thursday, January 28th at 7pm. Check out the details here. http://unitywil.com/events