Top of the Page

The headlines are full of disturbing, heart-wrenching, exasperating news. More and more people every day are being murdered with guns. More and more families are bearing up under unspeakable pain. And yet, nothing seems to change. There doesn’t seem to be a solution we can agree on…or at least a direction we can begin to move in. What are we to do?

Here is what I think.

Everything we do, every word we speak, every action we take, in every encounter with everyone, we must start with kindness and compassion. These must be at the top of the page. For every possible solution to the elimination of gun violence we must ask…is this kind and are we being compassionate? And not just to have kindness and compassion for victims, marginalized people, minorities of any flavor…but for ALL people.

We have divided up victims and perpetrators, the ‘us’ and the ‘them’, the good and the bad, those who deserve and those who don’t deserve. We divide them up and then we pass out kindness and compassion only to one side or the other. We’ve forgotten that pain is pain…no matter how it manifests. And pain is what is causing the killing. Pain and fear.

So, let’s address the pandemic of gun violence at its core. Let’s address fear and pain. The fear of losing what we have, of rights being taken away, of being ignored and ridiculed, of losing power. The pain of being mistreated, of seeing no way out, of not being loved or cared for, of depression, anxiety and hopelessness.

Let’s put kindness and compassion at the top of the page…for everyone. Let’s practice this in our own life and demand the same from our local, State and Federal governments. It’s the only way we all win.

Much love always

One thought on “Top of the Page

  1. Bob Greenwald

    I love this message Paula. We have seemed to want to address the symptoms instead of treating the disease. If we don’t treat the causes of the fear and pain, the elimination of one weapon will just create new weapons.
    Love one another as you would love yourself. Instead of ignoring problems become part of the solution with love. Love is the only thing we can give away that will multiple.


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