Trust Yourself

This year, I want you to practice trusting yourself. If you’re going to trust yourself, you’ve got to know yourself. But you don’t have to figure it all out before you get started. You don’t have to make a big, long list of who you are. Just show up in each moment of life, ask yourself one of these questions.

  • What do I really want for me?
  • How do want to be?
  • What can I give?
  • How do I want to move forward?
  • What is mine to do?
  • What feels good and right and true for me?
  • What is the best choice for me now?

I want you to know who you are, what you are about and not be afraid of being that. Do that by putting your signature on everything this year. Decide. This is me. This is the way I roll. I am all in as me.

Trust yourself. Trust yourself because you know yourself. Because you are living with conscious intention. On purpose. Awake and aware. Always answering a question about where you want to go, from wherever you are.

Practice trusting yourself. What a wonderful way to start the new year.

Much love always


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