Trusting Yourself

What does it mean to trust yourself? I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. How can I trust my thoughts and my thinking…my decision making and my choices? How do I know that the choices I make serve my highest good? Is there such a thing as a wrong choice?

I’ve noticed that nature operates in full trust…in full trust of the creative energy I call God. Grass doesn’t wonder what color green it should be, clouds don’t question if they’re in the right formation and ocean water doesn’t think it should be just a little less salty. There is no judgment about the outcome.  Nature does not operate from a sense of doubt about the result…nor does it worry that the current condition will or won’t change. Grass is green and then brown, clouds form and dissipate, oceans swell and crash against the rocks in foamy sprays. Nature is as it is.

There is wisdom for us in observing nature…in observing life itself…evolving and expressing and revealing itself to the world. How do I trust? Well, first…don’t be concerned with the outcome…don’t judge it good or bad. Practice acceptance of life as life shows up…and trust that whatever shows up is there to be embraced.

Second, be open to change and evolution. Whatever experience you are having is temporary…because life is always changing. The best place to be is…awake! Stay alert to your body and what is around you…how you feel, who shows up, what you hear or read. Trust that all of it is there for your awakening.

Third, and most important I believe…know that there is an Intelligence greater than yourself that is directing and guiding you with strength and power and possibility. Unlike nature that inherently operates from this premise…we must re-member with confident expectation that it is so.

Begin to trust yourself by using these affirmations or create your own…

I trust in Divine Intelligence guiding me with strength, power and possibility.

I trust that everything in my life is here for my awakening.

I embrace my life for all it has to offer me.

Much, much love



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