
Curiosity is underrated. I mean, having a sense of curiosity about life is a truly amazing thing. When anything happens or when nothing seems to be happening…you can be curious. It’s about looking around with a sense of wonder…no matter what.

Curiosity is the state you’re in when you are in the middle of a really good book. It’s what keeps you turning the page. What will happen next? How will it end? Will there be a winner? Will he get the girl? Will she be happy? Please say it will all turn out alright in the end!

We can be like that about life…the life that is right in front of us. Curious means…eager to learn. I can be sad and curious, I can be uncertain and curious, I can be busy and curious. When I commit to curiosity I feel less tension. I tend to avoid the extremely dark places. Things feel just a bit lighter.

What if I just stay curious about life? What if?

Much love

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