
There was a quote on my daily calendar that I now have taped to the bottom of my computer monitor. Yes, for me it’s a keeper. A critical reminder. It addresses what I continue to struggle with just about every day. Here it is.

It’s taken me all my life to understand that it is not necessary to understand everything. René Coty

I want to understand. I want to excavate below the surface. I want to get at the root of it. Sometimes it’s possible…but alas, not always. So, how do I decide what is possible to understand? And sooner rather than later?

Like most changes I want to make, it takes time and practice. First, I simply must accept that I won’t understand everything. It’s quite a relief, really…and not outlandish or far-fetched. I am not going to understand everything I read or encounter…not every person or situation…not every decision or choice other people make. I just need to remind myself…like taping the quote where I will see it every single day.

And then start practicing by making this an option in my mind. Practice deciding if it really matters that I understand…or not. Is it important to me, it is worth my time, will it enrich me in some way?

Rather than having to understand everything, maybe it is enough to be in awe or to let it be or to pass it on. Maybe it is enough to understand what I do and leave the rest in the mystery.

Sigh. Maybe it will take a lifetime. Maybe not.



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