We don’t have a choice about a lot of things that happen in our lives and in the world. Maybe it’s a diagnosis, a physical condition, maybe it’s age related, your family dynamic, something about the government, your job, who your neighbors are, how other people dress, act, speak and what they believe.
But there is a choice you have every day regardless of what the world looks like. You have a choice about what you decide to see. You have a choice about your approach to life. You have a choice to not give your power away to anyone, at anytime. To live this way is to ask yourself…what do I see here? Do I see the limitation or do I see the potential? Do I see beyond the physical…to the heart of the matter? Because the heart of the matter is the place where love lives. It is the place of compassion, understanding, resilience, determination, possibility and strength. I want to choose love….as often as I can.
Every day you have a choice. What do you see?
Much love