What Does It Mean?

News flash…life means what you make it mean. All of it. You choose.

We make life mean what it means by our thinking and our stories, what we believe and what we think is possible. We bring clarity or confusion, resistance or acceptance, distrust or thoughtfulness. It is our thinking and our consciousness that matters. These put us in the driver’s seat of our own life. That is powerful stuff!

Whatever is happening in your life…there is a chance for you to decide the meaning. What meaning will you draw from it? What will you learn? How will it change you? You get to decide!

Here is what I believe. Everything is available for my awakening. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. I remind myself of this often…when life is purring smoothly along and when I hit bumps in the road. When I feel sad, I let myself feel sad because there is something there for me. When I feel confident, I know there is something unseen supporting me. I carry this awareness – everything is available for my awakening. The hard stuff and the easy stuff. Change of plans, unwanted news, surprise gift, success, failure, disappointment, loss, celebration…all of it is available for me and my awakening.

Awakening to what? Awakening to meaning and possibility…to a deeper understanding….to the power and presence of God in me, as me.

Life means what I make it mean. This is it for me. What does it mean for you?
Much love

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