What I Think About Joy

“The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood traumas.” Gordon Livingston, Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Living in the past or holding on to the past is a dangerous place to be. We forfeit the present moment, the potential for growth and joy. The danger is that we are creating the future out of the vestiges of our past…we are building on a foundation that is shaky and insecure when we build on our traumas, our judgments, our anger and un-forgiveness about the past.

I think we should resolve to live more forward-looking. Not to forget the past…but regardless of the past, to make a decision about the future. Maybe even regardless of the present…resolve to live a life that includes joy.

When was the last time you felt a deep sense of joy? Not just happiness…but a sense of joy? Think about it…joy! Joy as in keen pleasure or elation*. Joy as in the emotion of great delight*. Joy…when was the last time you experienced joy?

Are you right now thinking about all of the reasons that you cannot feel or know joy…broken relationship, lost job, tough childhood, parents that didn’t love you enough, friends who have abandoned you, worn out and tired, suffering with illness, bankruptcy…maybe you just feel blue.

Yes..these may be some of the circumstances in your life or in your past. But here’s the thing…being or having been in any of these places does not automatically negate your capacity to experience joy. Read it again! If you decide to, you can experience joy.

Think about what it is that makes you smile…and then take it a little further and let yourself feel that smile in your heart. Fill yourself up with a sense of joy. Pause…and practice feeling joy…about little things or big things…it really doesn’t matter. Practice feeling joy and your perception of life will change.

Peace always


*Definitions from Dictionary.com

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