“You never know what somebody’s day looks like. It’s a nice day, everyone’s out for a walk, and somebody’s not having the same day you’re having. I was just glad to help.” John Tumpane
From Bleacher Report, by Scott Polacek
This quote reminds me to practice being more present to life…not just for myself, but also to what is happening around me. It is amazing how often we miss what is right in front of us. These days it is easy to place the earbuds or scroll through email, Facebook, Instagram, or news feed…oblivious to the moment. Even without these modern day distractions we can find ourselves concocting stories and scenarios in our mind…a mind that we can’t seem to stop. All of it a distraction from the moment.
When we are distracted from the moment we are unable to respond to what is right before us. How often do we walk right on by when we might have stopped to help? How many opportunities do we miss to smile, hold the door, say a kind word, listen, lend a hand, tell someone we care…or save a life!
When Buddha was asked if he was god or man he simply replied “I am awake”. Let’s practice that.
Thank you Mr. Tumpane.
Much love