Will I Be Ready?

You just never know how much longer you’ll be on this earth. How many days go by when the thought of not being here doesn’t cross your mind? When the thought of those you love not being here doesn’t cross your mind? The truth of life in this body is that it will end. No doubt about that. Every person in your family, each friend, will leave first or you’ll leave before they do. It’s a fact. So, what instruction does this give us for how to live?

I mean, that’s what I want to be clear about…for me. How does this fact guide my life? Because, I want it to guide my life. I want to remember how temporary life is. I want to remember how important it is for me to show up. I want this fact to give me courage, make me brave and fearless. I want it to soften my opinions and purge me of righteousness. I want it to make me more kind and loving. I want this fact to inspire me…so when the time comes I’ll know I’ve left it all on the table. I’ll be ready.

When Rev Richard Levy, Unity of Wilmington minister, passed on in 2014 I gave a talk based on a message he had spoken about. In it he had asked that we consider these questions as we travel toward our next great adventure beyond this body.

Have I loved well?
Have I lived fully?
Have I learned to let go?

Am I loving well…myself and others? Am I living fully…living my life, without fear, compassionately, the best I can? Am I letting go of every thought that doesn’t serve my highest good and every judgment I hold toward myself and others?

Still here…still loving, living and learning.
Much love.

3 thoughts on “Will I Be Ready?

  1. Beverly Perry

    Thanks Paula, this message put
    my mind at ease, during these
    unusual times. So love the words
    of Richard, something to keep in my
    Love you, Beverly ❤️

  2. Elizabeth H Freeman

    Thank you..I love you. Have moved..in midst of typical bru ha ha. Will call soon as I hold you in my heart at all times. Perfect reminder for me today.


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