Yes, I Just Did That

Really?! Again?! I failed, miserably. I intend everyday to be this calm and centered and caring and thoughtful person and then WHAM! In an instant I become everything I hope I am not…like judgmental, harsh, short-fused and frustrated. Aaack!

Why do I get thrown off my game so easily? What’s up with that? I let my mind run away with my sanity. I let the story I make up become the truth. I let the stress from my own decisions affect the moment. Do you hear what I’m saying?

I’ve lost touch with my heart because I am hostage to my mind! I could have remembered to take a deep breath. I could have remembered to pause. I could have asked myself…so, what about this is really true? I could have been more kind and gentle…just because. I could have come from my heart.

Practice my friends. That’s what it’s all about. Notice, and then practice some more. Notice the disconnect between the mind and the heart. Practice keeping them connected.

All is well.


2 thoughts on “Yes, I Just Did That

  1. Beverly Perry

    Thanks Paula, this truly brings me back to center. I been a little off, but coming back.
    Love you, Beverly


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