“True success…is the unfolding of the divinity within us.”
Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
We all want to be successful. Some of us dream of traveling the world, having a lot of money, living in a wonderful house, having a vacation home, working at a job we love, being powerful and recognized, feeling healthy and whole, graduating with honors. When we approach life this way, our idea of success is measured in outer conditions and accomplishments. We will be successful when ________!
The truth is this ‘when’ never comes. We may get what we have been after…but there is just a next ‘when’. We are not satisfied. Outer accumulation of stuff is not success. Success is not about having, it is about giving. You might think this is quite a radical idea. And it is! It is radical because it is not the way we usually operate.
Success is about giving the gift that you are. It is about expressing the talent that is uniquely you. It is about living and expressing your divine nature. How do you know what this is? You will know what this is for you because of the way you feel. Your true and divine nature is what will make you WANT to get out of bed in the morning. It is what makes you feel vibrant and alive. When you are expressing this gift, time is irrelevant, you are in the flow.
The other thing you will notice is that when you express your divine nature, other people will be enriched…they will receive something much more powerful than the apparent gift. They will receive energy, love and joy flowing from you. They will notice that you are ‘different’ when you are in the flow…and they will be attracted to it…they will want to be part of it.
Success is surely yours when you commit to living and expressing your divinity.
Peace always