We underestimate the power of our thoughts. As soon as I wrote that I thought…underestimate? We don’t evaluate our thoughts much at all. More accurately I think too often we don’t realize how powerful our thinking is! We don’t realize that thoughts are powerful. They are powerful because they are infused with emotion and feeling. It is impossible to have a thought without an accompanying feeling.
So…thoughts infused with feeling energy are powerful. If you are with me this far…this is what I want you to know. You get to choose thoughts and you get to choose the feeling you assign to the thought. YOU! Nobody else can choose your thoughts or your feelings for you. You have that power. You can choose positive, life affirming, forward-looking thoughts and infuse them with confidence and possibility. You can choose timid, angry, negative thoughts and infuse them with doubt, fear and lack. You will get the results in your life based on your thinking and feeling…because thoughts infused with feeling are powerful…they vibrate into every cell of your being and they expand out beyond you into the universe. Powerful.
Become aware of your thoughts and how you make judgments about everything you see and every situation you encounter. Especially become aware of the judgments you make about your own self. Become aware of the voice in your mind and what it has to say. You might be surprised at the chatter! Remember, it’s your ‘voice’.
…and it’s your choice.
Much love.
One Response
Is it possible that you are Not your thoughts? Can you be the “observer” who lets the thoughts come & go…choosing which thoughts serve you & support who you are today?