You Get To Decide

The meaning of life…have you ever pondered this? What’s it all about? Why do I exist? Why am I here? It’s a big question. I can say I lived most of my life not giving the answer any thought at all. I haven’t written the answer on paper…ever.

There are nuances to this question…the distinction between what it’s all about and what is mine to do. It’s the distinction between what is the meaning of life AND how do I find meaning in my life or how can my life feel meaningful. It’s the combination, really, of the belief and then that belief in action.

We can make this a cosmic kind of question…or we can make it a really personal ‘life in front of me’ question. The truth is it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that whatever you believe about the meaning of life, cosmically or your life personally…that you use it to guide you and ground you. Use it to inform your decisions, keep you on track and focused.

As January closes and we are off and running into the new year, take a moment to write down the answer and take one step in the direction of living that answer. Don’t worry about being profound or making it something more that whatever it is.

Its your life…so you get to decide.

Looking forward with great anticipation, clarity and love,

Read more about this topic at The Wisdom Project.




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