You Get What You Need

…You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just might find you get what you need. Rolling Stones

You can find Truth in many places. Rock and roll is no exception. I don’t always have what I want…in the present moment. It is just not available right now for whatever reason. And maybe what I want isn’t really what I want but a mask or a substitute for some deeper desire or life lesson.

Recently I checked into the airport at Niagra Falls, NY. Only when I was beyond security did I realize I had left my phone sitting on a chair in the outer lobby. The exit from the gate area was locked. I admit, I was in a panic. I could not get what I wanted…back into the lobby to retrieve my phone. What I wanted was my phone in hand, what I really needed was a calm patience. Barely getting to calm patience, a gate attendant arrived. I ran down the stairs, retrieved my phone and was back in the security check line in a matter of minutes. Did I mention the airport has only four gates…and at least one kind woman had secured my phone at an unattended desk?

So, I got what I wanted, eventually…my phone. But what did I really need? Well, maybe a lesson or two…that when in a panic take a breath and come to calm patience, trust in the goodness of others, just when you think you are in control…you’re not…so relax, remember to be grateful.

Sometimes what we need doesn’t look anything like what we want. And what we need may not be a need so much as a reminder. A reminder about what is important, what makes a difference and how we want to be in life.

You can’t always get what you want, but if you are willing to look a little deeper you just might find what you need.

All is well.


2 Responses

  1. I was rushing to leave work today and already running late to pick up my grandson from after school care. At that point I realized my keys were not in my purse where I usually keep them. After my initial panic and pulling everything out of my purse and several drawers I took a deep breath and bowed my head. There they were right on the floor near where my purse had been sitting. God showed me the way…just as He always do when I take the time to listen.


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