Some people are frustrated and mad. Others feel depressed and hopeless. This is the best year for some and the worst for others. Some of us feel like we are on the right path and moving in the right direction. Others feel lost and alone. Maybe you are all of these at different times, in different situations, with different people.
The point is…don’t let the world suck the life out of you. Don’t let it! Take a deep breath…please…and then another. There will always be ups and downs, challenges and obstacles, joy and laughter and even grief and despair. We are human. We can’t escape any of it. We are all trying to find our way. We are all trying to figure it out. We all want the best outcome…from our perspective.
I want you to know…in the midst of it all…you matter. Your presence matters. Your ability to show love and kindness matters. That you show up matters. It matters that you smile, dance or lend a hand. You have the power to speak and act with compassion…and that really matters. You being on this earth means you have something important to share…maybe with just one person, maybe with thousands or millions. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Know to that one person you REALLY matter.
Look in the mirror…say to yourself…I matter. Then follow the guidance of your heart.
Much love