You Never Know

I had another experience of…you just never know. You just never know what is happening in another person’s life. It may look one way to you, from the outside, but you just never know what someone might be holding inside. Maybe they are afraid or too proud to let it show. Maybe they feel they won’t be heard or maybe they aren’t ready to face their own demons.

You just never know for sure…even about those you consider close, those you love and who love you back.

It’s uncomfortable to be vulnerable all of the time. It takes courage. Sometimes sharing the truth is painful. And let’s face it…we all aren’t the best listeners. And we all have a tendency to want to fix rather than to be with the pain of another.

You just never know.

I think we should stop trying to know. We really have no idea about the life of anyone else. We simply haven’t lived it. If we have lived a certain similar experience I can assure you that it wasn’t the same. It couldn’t possibly be the same. I am me and you are you. Kind of stating the obvious.

So where does this bring me? Listen…if you never know for sure, act like it! Stop making assumptions and creating stories and then believe they’re true! You don’t have to understand it or fix it. You don’t have to judge it or make sense of it. How about instead…just be love.

Be love in a world that needs love more than anything else. Be love.


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