In 2013 I posted the following blog. One of my dear friends reminded of it a few weeks ago. She thought it was worth remembering again. So here it is. I call it Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away All!!!
How do you know it’s Christmas? Is it the endless carols on your favorite radio station, midnight, early bird and mid-afternoon special sales everywhere, travel planning that includes an intense focus on the weather reports, deciding who is having what celebration where and when, deciding if you should really clean the house before or after the holiday, buying the most perfect gift for everyone on your list whether they’ve been naughty or nice? Christmas…the season of too much to do in too little time with not enough money.
Really? Are you caught up in this cycle? Is this what you WANT Christmas to be about? I don’t think many of us think about what we want it to be. We just allow our self to be swooped up in the crazy shopping, eating, making it the best ever perfect thing that it is supposed to be. What do you really want it to be? Just sit for a moment and decide what you want this Christmas to be about for you. It’s not too late. Decide what is the most important thing about this time of year for you, first…and then for those you love.
Get quiet (yes I know this may be a challenge, but do it anyway), take a deep breath…and then another one…and make a choice, a conscious choice about what you want it to look like and feel like. Make a choice about how you want to remember Christmas 2013 (or 2016). When you leave the dash away, dash away, dash away commotion behind…you will come to know what really matters to you…what is important for you…and your Christmas can be what you want it to be.
Much joy and many blessings…Merry Christmas.
And many thanks to Ginny for the reminder!