Just Maybe

Too often we disregard the value of simple moments. One small thing, one chance, one kind gesture, one yes, one invitation. One bit of encouragement, one kindness, one hug, one authentic moment of caring. One pause in the day to listen, one smile, one text, one call.

One small thing can change a life. It’s usually the small stuff that does. It may seem small. But what makes small things like these magnificent is the energy with which they are offered. It’s the openness of the heart. The smile that says you are worth it. The listening that says what you have to say is important. The encouragement that says I believe in you. It’s not just the ‘thing’, it’s what is beneath it. That’s where the power lies. The power to change a life!

The changed life may not look different from the outside. At least not right away. That’s because the change that happens is subtle at first. It starts with a possibility, something inside that says…well, just maybe. Just maybe I am worthy, just maybe I am strong enough or smart enough, just maybe I do deserve a chance. Can you see how it works?

Please don’t doubt the power of an open heart and one small thing. Just maybe it will change a life.

Much love always

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